Home Contact About Birding Birds From the Archives Reviews Trips Home Contact About Birding Birds From the Archives Reviews Trips Birding The Snow Partridge November 20, 2023 by Kai Pflug No Comments eBird calls the Snow Partridge a stone-colored terrestrial bird of stony hillsides , mountain ridges , and meadows above treeline” and in fact , it is impressive how well the bird fits in with its surroundings , at least when I saw it at about 4000 meters of altitude at the Balangshan . pass Presumably , the bird I saw was a male given that it has a spur , and the bill is coral-red females apparently do not have spurs , and the bill is pinkish or greyish-pink , according to the HBW Another indicator was the call , which unfortunately I did not manage to capture in this video But maybe you can